Saturday, January 24, 2009

Support the 2nd Amendment

The following is a copy of a petition to Support the Second Amendment. The only difference is I made a spelling correction, and the links are active.

The petition was created and written by Robert Ault.
To: U.S. Congress

In response to the YouTube video showing the British in the largest peaceful march in their history, asserting their right to bear arms:

We the people of the United States of America sign this petition affirming our beliefs in the governing laws and regulations set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America. In particular we support the forth article in the Bill of Rights which states the right of the people to keep and bear arms:

Article the fourth [Amendment II][4]
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The constitution can be read in its entirety online at:

Along with the full Bill of Rights submitted as explanatory and restrictive clauses to the constitution:

Lastly the additional amendments that have been added over the course of history:

If you agree with these statements in particular the right to keep (own) and bear (carry) guns then please sign this petition asserting your support. This petition is not the result of a law that has been enacted infringing our rights to keep and bear arms but affirms your support of those rights.

A recent estimate of the population in the United States (Jan. 2009) was 310 million. The goal of this petition is to collect 1% of all American's (3.1 million) signatures at which time it will be submitted to our US Congress to remind them whose interests they are representing.

Remember to send the link to everyone you know so that they have a chance to decide their support.


The Undersigned

P.S. I have no idea what "Article the fourth" means. I presume it's something in regard to the original webpage,

Current Mood: Happy
Current Music: The Village People - Macho Man
My Carry Pistol: Taurus PT92AFS 9x19mm NATO


AMCIT said...

Article the fourth was the enumeration of the initial bill of rights, in which the current 2nd Amendment was the fourth item.

The fourth article on this page became the Second Amendment after ratification.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for signing and posting Al. I've got a lot more work ahead of me in promoting the petition but I sincerely appreciate your support.

--Robert Ault

P.S. Thanks for explaining it Tess, that business of articles and ratifications was a bit confusing.